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Fachvortrag von Bayer

Do., 03. Nov.


Campus Westend, Hörsaalzentrum

Currency fluctuations are an important topic at Bayer. Why? As a global company, Bayer sells its products around the world in more than 50 different currencies.

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Fachvortrag von Bayer
Fachvortrag von Bayer

Zeit & Ort

03. Nov. 2016, 18:30

Campus Westend, Hörsaalzentrum, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

Currency fluctuations are an important topic at Bayer. Why? As a global company, Bayer sells its products around the world in more than 50 different currencies. The talk deals with the currency market in general and on how Bayer handles the related risks. At the get-together following the talk you can find out about career opportunities in finance at Bayer and why economics and finance students/ graduates at Bayer can help shape the future. When? 6.30 pm Where? Lecture Hall 8, Campus Westend. Flyer

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