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Dr. Trummer, VProf. gives leadership lecture at The University of St Andrews, United Kingdom/Scotland

Mi., 30. Sept.


Goethe Finance Association e.V.

VProf.Dr. Trummer gives guest lecture about "Successful strategic and operative leadership approaches in globalised economies for the 21st century" at The University of St Andrews, School of Management Postgraduate Programmes/Masters Extra Programme Session 2015-2016.

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Dr. Trummer, VProf. gives leadership lecture at The University of St Andrews, United Kingdom/Scotland
Dr. Trummer, VProf. gives leadership lecture at The University of St Andrews, United Kingdom/Scotland

Zeit & Ort

30. Sept. 2015, 16:00

Goethe Finance Association e.V., Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

VProf.Dr. Trummer gives guest lecture about "Successful strategic and operative leadership approaches in globalised economies for the 21st century" at The University of St Andrews, School of Management Postgraduate Programmes/Masters Extra Programme Session 2015-2016.

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